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Latent defects

Sellers and buyers, beware – of hidden defects

Whether you sell or purchase a property, you may be faced with one of the following situations that must be dealt with promptly. If you sold your property, or you
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Tassé c. Jacques, 2015 QCCS 6031 (CanLII)

Issue:  Do cracks revealed by the inspector constitute awareness of defect? The facts: Three months after the purchase of a 26 years old home the purchasers (Plaintiffs) find the concrete
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ABB Inc. v. Domtar Inc., [2007] 3 SCR 461, 2007 SCC 50 (CanLII)

Issue:  What are the conditions for the existence of latent defects and how to evaluate whether a defect is hidden or not. Decision: Whether a defect is hidden or not is
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Published under Latent defects